Q&A|丰丰 Fengfeng #日常生活实践 Rhizomatic af*
丰丰,1993出生于湖南。日常生活实践,rhizomatic af。2021硕士毕业于伦敦中央圣马丁当代摄影实践与哲学专业。曾发现两个C型挂钩面对面钉在一起会变成一个心形,曾发表多篇不够学术的艺术理论文章。
Fengfeng was born in 1993 in Hunan. He focuses on the practice of everyday life and rhizomatic af. He graduated from Central Saint Martins with a Master’s degree in Contemporary Photography; Practices and Philosophies in 2021. He discovered that two C-hooks pinning together make a heart shape. He published some art theories that are not academic enough.
Exhibition View
海绵部分 Sponge part: 95*22*10cm
Q: 据说德勒兹的理论对你影响深远,你是如何在作品中实践德勒兹的哲学理论的呢?
A: 是的,我是一个德勒兹主义者。自从19年翻开《千高原》的那张钢琴谱,我开始寻找一种“根茎”式的艺术生产。“根茎”是《千高原》的中心比喻,它就像树木的地底根茎:在同一个海拔平面上,n个维度交错连接,任何部分与任何部分相关联。比方说,德勒兹与伽塔利这样形容一本根茎式的书:没有作为客体的内容,书只有它自己;作为一个 “集合”(assemblage)与其它的集合与其他的无器官的身体相关联。与“根茎”相反的是“枝繁叶茂”:由一个根生长成枝繁叶茂,由“一”繁殖二和三还有四,由四归化至三和二回到一,完整的阶级体系。一本“枝繁叶茂的”书是这个世界的图像,将任何事物意象化、主体化。“精神分析法”(psychoanalysis)是很“枝繁叶茂”的,比方说将梦境或幻觉阐释并意象化;将症状归化至一段儿时记忆。其实很多艺术实践也是建立在枝繁叶茂的原则上(将意象图像化或者将图像意象化)。而“根茎”采取的是另一种治疗手段,它被称为“多重人格分裂症法”(schizoanalysis),他们说:“为什么不用你的头走路,有你的喉管歌唱,用你的皮肤看,用你的肚子呼吸呢?:这简单的‘事’,这‘物’,这完整的‘身体’,这静止不动的‘远行’,‘厌食症’,‘皮肤病’,‘瑜伽’,‘印度教’,‘爱’,‘实验’。”
比如说这次展的Cindy and Stella ♡♥,它说不定是一个很简单的作品,说不定和小孩做的手工玩意儿一样。就像我听说过有人在美术馆做菜作为艺术创作,还有人在家做菜作为艺术创作。不过,从现实来说,从事这样一种艺术生产是具有风险的,以致于在一些艺术的场合中,很多人以为我是来搞笑的。
Q: They say the philosophy of Deleuze has had a profound influence on you. How do you practice the Deleuzian theories of philosophy in your works
A: Yes, I am a Deleuzian. Since I opened the piano score of "A Thousand Plateaus" in 2019, I have been seeking for a "rhizomatic" mode of artistic production. The "rhizome" is the central metaphor of "A Thousand Plateaus," like the underground rhizome of a tree: n dimensions interconnected on the same altitude plane, with any part associated with any part. Let us say that Deleuze and Guattari describe a rhizomatic book in this way: there is no content as an object; the book is only itself; as an "assemblage" associated with other assemblages and other BwOs. The opposite of "rhizome" is "branching": from a root grows a branching and leafing, from "one" multiplies two and three and four, from four to three and two back to one, a complete hierarchy system. A "branchy" book is an image of the world, imagining and subjectifying everything. Psychoanalysis is very "branchy," for example, interpreting and visualizing dreams or hallucinations, attributing symptoms to a childhood memory. In fact, many artistic practices are also based on the principle of "branching out" (picturing or imagining images). The "rhizomes" take a different treatment approach, called "schizo-analysis," where they say: "Why don't you walk with your head, sing with your throat, see with your skin, breathe with your stomach? : This simple 'thing', this 'thing', this complete 'body', this stationary 'farthing', the 'anorexia', 'skin disease', 'yoga', 'Hinduism'. 'love', 'experimentation'."
For example, Cindy and Stella ♡♥ from this exhibition. It might be a straightforward piece, perhaps the same as a handmade knick-knack made by a child. It is like someone who cooks at a gallery as art production and someone who cooks at home as art. However, realistically speaking, it is risky to engage in such an artistic production, so much so that in some professional art settings, many people think I am here to be funny.
Q: 你的作品中似乎常常有一种柔软的浪漫在其中,这种浪漫的源头是什么?
A: 我觉得浪漫和受虐其实很相似,它们也许都来自一个叫做“无器官的身体”(Body without Oran)的地方。德勒兹与伽塔利这样形容受虐的状态:受虐者既不是寻找痛苦也不是寻找快感,他们寻找的一种无器官的身体只有痛可以填满它。如果说浪漫的话,我们可能寻找的是一种无器官的身体只有爱可以填满它吧^_^。
Q: There often seems to be a soft romanticism in your works. What is the source of this romance?
A: I think romance and masochism are actually very similar. They probably both come from a place called "Body without Organs." Deleuze and Guattari describe the state of masochism as follows: the masochist is not looking for pain or pleasure; they are looking for a body without organs that can only be filled with pain. If we talk about romance, we are probably looking for a kind of body without organs that can only be filled with love ^_^.
(I Love You or Whatever ,Three Shadows Photography Center 3.0Space, Beijing, 2022)
停车板、C型挂钩、毛线 Parking chocks,cup hooks, wool
尺寸可变 Dimentions Variable
The left and right sides that constituted the heart shape were two pieces of parking chocks. I picked them on the street by luck.
Q: 你是一个幽默人吗?幽默在艺术中是什么?
A: 不知道自己算不算是一个幽默的人,但我是一个爱笑的人,他们都说爱笑的男孩运气不会太差。其实还没有想过幽默在艺术中是什么,但听上去是个很有意思的事情,下次想到了我再告诉你吧。
Q: Are you a humorous person? What is the humor in art?
A: I don't know if I am a humorous person, but I am a person who loves to smile, and they all say a boy who loves to smile will not have bad luck. I haven't thought about what humor is in art, but it sounds like a fascinating subject; I will tell you next time when I come up with it.
The Heart Ⅱ
C型挂钩 Cup hooks
尺寸可变 Dimentions Variable
Two C-hooks pinning together make a heart shape. This discovery is probably as important as Albert Einstein’s E=MC².
Q: 你的作品中充斥着简易的制作与家用日常物品,为什么会这样选择?这些物品对你来说意味着什么?
A: 这与我目前的生活状态很关系。我认为自己一直在从事“日常生活实践”。“日常生活实践”是什么呢,用米歇尔·德·塞尔托的话说,它关于日常生活如何将意识形态和权力话语巧妙转译。它是“弱势”一方的艺术,“不合时宜”的。它联系着日常的挣扎和小确幸。缺乏自己的话语体系,只能在别人的领域中巧妙迂回。它很依赖时间,因为它必须要等待时机还要抓住时机;即便抓住了时机也无法将其保留,为此还要学会创造时机。古希腊人将日常生活实践称为“手段”(ways of operating), 它包括小把戏,猎人般的直觉,欣喜的小发现,诗意,争强好胜等等。
从某方面来说,日常生活实践注定和high art背道而驰, 注定了是这种简易的制作与家用日常物品。突然有一天,当这样的东西呈现在厅堂之上,你会发现其实它们也很有趣。
Q: Your works are full of easy-to-make and everyday domestic objects; why have you made this choice? What do these items mean to you?
A: This is very much related to my current state of life. I think I am always engaged in "the practice of everyday life." What is the "practice of everyday life" in the words of Michel de Certeau. It is about how everyday life translates ideologies and discourses of power. It is the art of the "minority" and "anachronistic. " It is linked to the struggles and little fortunes of everyday life. It lacks a discourse of its own and can only subtly meander in the realm of others. It depends on time because it has to wait for the moment and seize it; even if it seizes it, it cannot keep it, so it has to learn to create the moment. The ancient Greeks called the practice of daily life "ways of operating," which included tricks, hunter's intuition, delightful little discoveries, poetry, competitiveness, and so on.
In a way, the practice of everyday life is destined to be the opposite of high art, destined to become this kind of simple production and everyday domestic objects. Suddenly, one day, when such things are presented in high-end situations, you will find that they are actually quite attractive.
(I Love You or Whatever ,Three Shadows Photography Center 3.0Space, Beijing, 2022)
扫地机器人圈圈华尔兹 Waltz of the Vacuum Cleaning Robot
扫地机器人、塑料玩具 Vacuum cleaning robot, plastic toy
尺寸可变 Dimentions Variable
Q: 你的作品中有一种可爱拙稚的气息,可爱在这里是作为一种与观众拉近距离的策略吗?还是有别的用意?
A: 也没有刻意要这样做,可能是纯天然的吧哈哈。
Q: There is a cute and awkward aura in your works, is the cuteness here a strategy to get closer to the audience? Or do you have other intentions?
A: I did not do it intentionally. It's probably just natural.
(I Love You or Whatever ,Three Shadows Photography Center 3.0Space, Beijing, 2022)
我当然愿意为你摘下星星 Of Course I’m willing to Pick the Stars for You.
艺术微喷,木框灯箱 Digital Print, Wooden frame with LED
I took many photos of bald men. One day, I made an image with all these bald men photos because, of course, I’m willing to pick the stars for you.
公园华尔兹Waltz of the Park
影像 5 ' 54 ''Video 5 ' 54 ''
Q: 快问快答二选一:男孩/女孩?可乐/咖啡? 星空/太阳?秃顶/发胖?
A: 这题感觉很精神分析,那……女孩,咖啡,星空,发胖。
Q: Quick Q&A: Boy/Girl? Coke/Coffee? Starry night
/Sun? Baldness/Fatness?
A: This question feels very psychoanalytical, then... girl, coffee, starry night, fatness.